I decided to steal this idea from my friend Lavi, of the blog Lavi Was Here: it’s the end of 2015, and it was an exceptional year for me and for Continents & Condiments. Here’s a picture of each of each country I visited during the last year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Japan: Tokyo. Ramen, Sushi, Shabushabu, all-you-can-drink fish restaurants, Yakitori, Horumonyaki, beer and shochu and saké… I LOVE TOKYO | Japon: Tokyo. Ramen, Sushi, Shabushabu, restaurants à bar ouvert, Yakitori, Horumonyaki, bière et shochu et saké… J’ADORE TOKYO
Philippines: I had no idea what to expect. I was more than pleasantly surprised: what a place! | Philippines: Je n’avais aucune idée à quoi m’attendre. J’ai été plus qu’agréablement surpris. Quel endroit!
Cambodia: I spent the Lunar New Year in Siem Reap! | Cambodge: J’ai passé le Nouvel An lunaire à Siem Reap!
Bangkok Travel Blog, Thailand: For me, Bangkok is food. | Thaïlande: Pour moi, Bangkok, c’est la bouffe.
Best Places to Visit in Nairobi-Nairobi Travel Blog: Kenya: Nairobi is a crazy, upbeat, intense city.
Madagascar: The end of the world, a country apart from the continent, a unique situation… | Madagascar: Le bout du monde, un pays à l’écart de l’Afrique, une situation unique…
Paris Itinerary 5 days- Paris Travel Blog: France: I was in Marseille and Nice, which had their charms, but… Paris. What’s life without clichés? | France: J’ai visité Marseille et Nice, qui ont leurs charmes, mais… Paris! Comment vivre sans clichés?
Switzerland: Zurich and Basel… what cleanliness, what class! | Suisse: Bâle et Zurich… quelle propreté, quelle classe!
Things to do in Barcelona – Spain: In 2015, I met Albert Adria in his tapas restaurant, Tickets, in Barcelona. | Espagne: En 2015, j’ai rencontré Albert Adria dans son restaurant de tapas, Tickets, à Barcelone.
Berlin Travel Blog – Brandenburg Gate
Czech Republic: Prague is always spectacular. | République tchèque: Prague is always spectacular.
Belgium: For me, going to Brussels means, amongst other things, hanging out at the Delirium alley. | Belgique: Pour moi, Bruxelles, ça siginife, entre autres, aller passer du bon temps à la ruelle Delirium.
Canada counts too. And I travelled to new destinations. And I met with a few awesome chefs. Sylvain Dervieux of Les Labours in Baie-Saint-Paul is one! | Le Canada compte aussi! J’ai visité de nouvelles destinations et rencontré des chefs très talentueux. Sylvain Dervieux du restaurant Les Labours à Baie-Saint-Paul est l’un deux!